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Sunday 7 November 2010

Info Post
How Nehru Swindled Netaji's Treasure Box


The following true story had been suppressed by the Nehrus and Gandhis for a long time, ostensibly to eliminate whatever good influence Netaji and his men had exerted on our people during those stormy days of rebellion against British occupation of India. It is a thing of shame that the contents of this article had to be displayed to our own people, once again, and that too all the way from the United States, in order for our people to learn the facts. It is more than likely that if the Gandhis and Nehrus had their way, they would have done their best to suppress this small (but nevertheless important) piece of news as well, so that no one in India would learn about the truth. This is exactly what the TIMES OF INDIAs, THE HINDUs, THE ASIAN AGEs continue to do till today. How common thieves in high positions have been deflecting the facts, putting mud on the names of great men like Netaji while, at the same time, trying to cover themselves with false glory. Pandit Nehru and his descendants have long been a curse for our nation and if this dynasty's hold is not removed totally from all aspects of Indian life, there is not going to be true salvation for India!

From the late H.N. Pandits' notes

(A. Ghosh's comments are in italics)

Tatsuo Hayashida has written in his book on Netaji the sequence of events leading to the contents of Netaji's two suitcases being salvaged from the site of the plane crash at Taihoku and being ultimately deposited with Mr. J. Murti, President of the Indian Independence League of Tokyo with the cooperation of Mr. S.A. Ayer, Minister of Propaganda in the Provisional Government of India. For fear that the Allied Occupation authorities might confiscate the treasure if they came to know of it, the treasure was held by Mr. Murti in secrecy till 1951 when Mr. Ayer, on his return to India met the Prime Minister Pandit Nehru and suggested that the Indian Mission in Tokyo might take over the treasure from Mr. Murti for dispatch to India. (Here, Mr Murti made a big mistake, as we will soon see). Accordingly the treasure was taken by the Indian Mission from Mr. Murti on 24 September, 1951.

In India, the first public mention of the treasure was made 27 years later when on 8 September, 1978, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, a member of the Parliament, made the sensational allegation at a Press Conference in Bombay that Pandit Nehru had secretly brought the treasure from Tokyo through a trusted ICS officer who delivered it personally to Pandit Nehru at his Teen Murti residence. "It is my information" Dr. Swamy alleged, "that all these ornaments were subsequently melted in Allahabad and credited to Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru's personal account." (It should be mentioned that the jewelry, gold and silver coins were donated by Indians abroad to the Netaji fund for the on going war against the British. The donations came from all classes of Indians, the rich and not so rich. To swindle such money, donated for a noble cause, was a criminal offense and no doubt, Jawahar, the bastard son of Mubarak Ali had to pay for the crime. He did that by contracting a degrading sexual disease and finally dying from it, although it was announced at the time by the GoI that Jawahar had died of heart-failure, without announcing what exactly had provoked the stoppage of the heart!)

Subramanian Swamy's statement was published next day with big headlines in newspapers all over the country (The Hindu or the Times of India had not taken over the media as yet). The report of the Press Conference in some newspapers said that Dr. Swamy said that he would raise the issue in the Parliament. But when he did not do so, I (meaning writer H.N. Pandit) met him at his residence on Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road in New Delhi to ask why he had not done so. Dr. Swamy declined to answer. (Obviously, he had been threatened by Nehru and his men that Swamy could go to the press on this only at his own peril. Remember, it was the same Nehru who had triggered the murder of Dr. Shyamaprasad Mookerjee! Swamy, as the French say, had his 'couillometre a zero' and he did not make a sound, any sound on this!)

Then on 22nd November, the same year, the Janata Party Prime Minister, Mr. Morarji Desai made a statement in the Lok Sabha saying that the box containing the jewelries had been kept in the National Museum for safe custody. He gave details of the contents of the box which, if true, would prove Dr. Swamy's allegation to be untrue. But Mr. Desai said in his statement that the treasure was NOT open to inspection even by Members of the Parliament.

Since my own interest was to publish a picture of the box containing the treasure (as conclusive evidence of Netaji having died in an air crash) I began writing to the National Museum authorities for permission to see the treasure box. Surprisingly, the Museum authorities adopted various evasive methods. The file containing the correspondence on the subject was said to have been misplaced. Then I was asked to address my application successively to the Ministry of External Affairs (that was Nehru's domain) and the Director of Public Instruction (in all probability that was Maulana Azad's domain). (What had evaded our H.N. Pandit was the fact that all these petty officials of GoI's various departments were no better than bastards themselves, who had no national pride and would swallow any insult for the measly salary they were paid.)

After persevering in this manner for some time I addressed a letter to the Private Secretary to the Prime Minister (Mrs. Indira Gandhi) requesting that I might be given an opportunity to take a picture of the box. To disarm suspicion of any political motive on my part, I added that I was not interested to see the contents of the box. (Well! Mr. H.N. Pandit should have known that the jewlry had already been melted and the amount obtained therefrom deposited in Nehru's personal account. How he spent it will of course remain a state secret and no Indian national would know it. Such has always been the esteem of our leaders for our own fellowmen. Why do we think that our Gods eliminated Jawahar in such a rotten fashion?)

Hardly a week had passed after this when I was visited by a Dy. Superintendent of Police belonging to the Central Intelligence Department, who wanted to know why I was interested in the box containing the treasure. The question was enough to take away my enthusiasm for the investigation. My age (I was then 71) and absence of any political affiliation saved me from difficulties. Five years later, in 1988, when Mr. Rajiv Gandhi was the Prime Minister, I again wrote to his Private Secretary for help in seeing the treasure box. The letter was acknowledged by Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyar who promised to solve the problem I was having with the National Museum. He did not write to me again. (Well, Rajiv himself was another bastard foisted on our people as a Parsi and Mani Shankar Aiyar is a notorious traitor, who would not do a thing that might help the cause of Netaji or his followers! The whole brigade of traitors, namely, M.S. Aiyar, K.D. Nayar and I.K. Gujral are now in their last throes of extinction! Soon enough, they will disappear from India's political horizon!)

Meanwhile, I had come to know with my own efforts that the ICS officer who was said to have brought the treasure from Tokyo was one Mr. K.R. Damle who was to retire as the Governor of Goa. He was then living in an apartment in Poona. I wrote to him appealing in the name of history to disclose why the matter was being kept secret. I did not get a reply from him. The postal acknowledgment form accompanying the letter was signed by his wife, Mrs. L. Damle.

Last year I visited Poona and learnt that both Mr. K.R. Damle and his wife had passed away. (That was good riddance!) Their apartment was then occupied by Mrs Damle's sister and her husband who confirmed that Mr. Damle had really gone to Tokyo on the mission described above; but he had not replied to my letter probably because of the oath of secrecy with which the ICS officers considered themselves bound.

In New Delhi, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi had been succeeded in Prime ministership by Mr. Vishwanth Pratap Singh (he was the descendant of the arch-traitor, Jaichand). I wrote to his Private Secretary describing my problems in stating with a measure of certainty in my book that the treasure box is really in existence. I requested for an opportuity to meet which he was unable to grant. (Even if he had met H.N. Pandit, that would have been of no avail! Even a rat would have been more useful for his purpose!) However, he sent my letter to the Ministry of Human Resource Development for disposal. An Under Secretary in the Ministry then wrote to me assuring me that the box was lying in the safe custody of the National Museum, and advised me that I should depend on this statement to meet the requirement of my book.

But the letter mentioned the container of the treasure to be a wooden box whereas the Prime Minister's statement in the Parliament in 1978 had said that it was a steel suitcase encased in a cloth bag. Evidently, the writer had not seen the box himself, and he did not care to explain how this had happened. (Well! What can one obtain in the form of dependable data when one has only liars all around us!)

A few years earlier I had written to the retired Prime Minister Morarji Desai to ask why he had not allowed even Members of Parliament to see the box. At that time he had replied that he did not remember anything about the treasure. (That is monstrous! Here is a man who during his trip to New York assured CBS anchorman Dan Rather that drinking one's own urine enhanced one's memory; then how come after so many years of imbibing his own secretion of the kidneys, he had difficulty in remembering an important subject like that?) Now, at the end of my long search for a reasonable answer, I wrote to Mr. Desai again asking if he knew it for certain that the box existed. Had he seen the contents of the box with his own eyes or made the statement in Parliament as prepared and put up to him by officers in his Ministry? This time there was no reply from Mr. Desai.

The conclusion which on the face of it seemed justified after this experience is that either (1) the treasure is not in existence, or (2) it has been misplaced irrecoverably or (3)it is in such a state that it cannot be shown to people outside a chosen circle, and the policy, therefore, is to bar the people permanently from knowing the facts.


Such is the state of investigative competence of our government agencies and we wonder how do we have Kargils on our side of the LoC and on the quiet?. It clearly tells us why the French and the Russians had slaughtered their officials wholesale during the French and Russian revolutions. If ever a similar situation evolves in India, we must not neglect to snuff out all such officials along with the leaders, if only to make it easier to get to the truth when the table is finally cleared. With too much undergrowth on the ground, it is not possible to get to the truth. Can you imagine, even today, we do not know who is who in the dynastic chart of the rulers of India. And we are all supposed to be nephews and nieces of the top honcho of the Nehrus! No doubt, the entire world mocks us at our total uselessness to control our top guys who are supposed to depend on our votes! Such silly games cannot go on for too long!

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