Source: News Bharati |

On Thursday, the Supreme Court granted two weeks' time (till 19 April) to the Central government to decide whether Ram Setu will be declared as a national monument, after the Centre begged the Court that it needed more time to file an affidavit on the issue. Ram Setu is revered by Indians as the sacred bridge between India and ShriLanka.

The Ram Setu, was to be cut through for the Sethusamudram Canal project, but the Supreme Court had stayed the decision.
On Wednesday, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh urging him to Ram Setu a national monument. "I request you to take necessary action to communicate the views of the government of India to the Supreme Court that it would take immediate steps for declaring the site as a national monument," she said in the letter.
Several cases have been filed in the Madras High Court and the Supreme Court against the Sethusamudram project that proposed to dredge the Palk Strait so that shipping is possible between the western and eastern coasts instead of circumventing Sri Lanka.

The ocean floor between India and Sri Lanka near the Mannar coast is very shallow and is not navigable. It does not allow ships to pass. This means that. India does not have a continuous navigational channel linking the east and west coasts. Ships coming from India's west and heading to Bangladesh or Indian ports on the east coast have to go around Sri Lanka because the waterway in the sea dividing the two countries is shallow.
Therefore, the Government of India has proposed the dredging of the sea to create a shipping canal to save up to 780 km of sailing distance and 30 hours of sailing time for ships plying between the east and west coasts of India.
Indian officials say the canal, which is called the Sethusamudram project, will also boost the national economy besides speeding up the movement of Indian Navy and Coast Guard vessels as well. Many Naval officials are saying that even after the completion of SSCP, the depth of the canal shall be only 12 meters (about 36 feet ), and only small and medium sized vessels shall be able to pass. Large sized vessels and carriers shall not be able to pass.
The construction of the canal immediately led to wide protests in India by Hindu leaders. Several holy men have gathered together to launch a campaign of protest. In March 2007, over ten Hindu umbrella organizations from around the world joined together to launch the Save Ram Sethu Campaign (Ram Sethu Bachao Andolan) to increase the profile of the issue amongst the international communities.
The campaign said that construction of the canal will hurt religious sentiments of millions of Hindus and also pose a great risk to the environment of the region and the livelihood of local fishermen.

Ram Setu prevented the tsunami from advancing from Rameshwaram to Kerala. Ram Setu (Sethu) is a natural barrier to Tsunami. Dr. Murthy, Chief Editor of the reputed International Tsunami Journal "Science of Tsunami Hazards" has said that during the last tsunami, the Ramar Bridge (at a high elevation) from the rest of the shoal accumulations acted as a natural barrier prevented the direct devastation of the entire coastline south and southwest of Nagapattanam.
Many geologists, earth scientists, and oceanographers have commented critically, against the disastrous consequences of constructing SSCP. Amongst these is the impending devastation of Kerala, which will suck in after implementation of SSCP, after next Tsunami hits it.
The construction of SSCP is trampling upon the feelings and emotions of millions and millions of Hindus. Besides, this bridge is world's oldest man-made structure. It is much much older than the pyramids of Egypt, and the Great Wall of China.
People have crossed the sea using the Ram Setu, for many thousand years, until the 15th century. According to the specialists, a sea route may be prepared for navigation without damaging Ram Setu, by removing the barren sand heaps near village Mandapam between Rameshwaram and Dhanushkoti railway. This will not only give a shorter route for navigation but also protect the oldest man-made heritage.
On Thursday, after the Congress Party begged the SC for time to decide the status of Ram Setu, Dr. Subramanyam Swamy has tweeted, “On Rama Setu being declared a national heritage site, Congi (Congress) caught in Catch 22. Enjoy the unfolding spectacle. Mama Mia! Mia should speak up”.,-a-National-Monument--Nation-believes,-Sonia-Brigade-fumbles.aspx?NB=&lang=1&m1=&m2=&p1=&p2=&p3=&p4=&NewsMode=int
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