Who Brought The Mayans To Mexico?
Were the ancient Turks, Akkads (Sumerians) and Dravidians (Tamils) the parents of Mexico and Meso-America?
By Gene D. Matlock
The time is about 1,500 BC.[and onward until approximately 500 BC-DD] A fleet of Tamil ships in some harbor of the Konkan or Kankon, a beautiful white sand coastline stretching from today as Maharasthra to the southern tip of Western India, raises anchor and sails south to what is now the large island nation of Ceylon (today as Sri Lanka). Their goal is to sail to Patala or what is now Mexico and Meso-America, leaving emigrant settlers there. During their stay in Ceylon, they recruit skilled stone workers, skilled craftsmen, and temple builders in the province of Maya, to build a new Tamil civilization over or alongside an Akkad-type (Sumerian) civilization that was already in Meso-America: that of the Olmecs or Olman.

Zikari at Konkan
The ancient Tamils were international traders and colonizers. Wherever they went in the world, they left an unmistakable imprint of their presence, such as place names, foods, games, and temple buildings. Their temple buildings were usually zikharis (tiered or pyramidical temple platforms). Often, small entrances or temples were located on each tier, but not always. On the top tier, there was always a temple. On top if it often stood an ornate rectangular steeple. However, circular domes or single spires often stood on top of the temple as well. Zikharis usually varied in appearance, according to the Dravidian or Tamil-derived cultures of the host nations. But one thing never changed: the unmistakable presence of Tamil influence.
[So far so good, as far as what is stated plainly. The problem comes in the next section with national and ethnic identities which I shall pass over for the reasons I have indicated-DD]
I am now ready to return to the hypothetical voyage of Tamils to America. They probably used two types of maps. The map below-left shows Mt. Meru with petals pointing in four directions. The left petal points toward a distant land called Ketumal or Chetumal. In order to reach that land, they had to go eastward in order to avoid sailing around the tip of Africa. They knew where they were going, for they had been there before! The map below-right was their own map of the world.

The Mayans said that the land of their forefathers lay 150 days westward.[?]
When the Tamils arrived in North America, they crossed over to what is now the Caribbean Sea, through the Isthmus of Panama (The Great Crossing). After coming out the other side, they docked in the safe harbor of Chetumal. It still bears the same name. Chetumal harbor is in Belize. Belize derives from Belisha (God Shiva).
Later, they left Chetumal, sailing up the coast to a place reminding them of the beauty of their old home in Konkan. They dropped anchor and made their first home in America there. Not surprisingly, they decided to name their new home Kankun (Cancun). After thousands of years, the last syllable has barely changed in pronunciation.
When the Tamils settled in Yucatan, they built their typical zikharis, such as those of Tikal and Palenque. At Tikal, they stained their stone monuments a reddish color, just as they had done back in the Konkan.

People are surprised to see stone images of elephants in Mayan country, such as the following one in Copan. It may be a reminder of the elephants in India.

Right: Stone engraving [Stela-DD] of a Hindu mahout, complete with turban, riding on the head of an elephant. Some authorities, who do not agree with me that the Mayans came from abroad, think Southern Mexico once had elephants. The truth is that they worshiped a long-nosed god (Chac) or elephant, just as the Hindu Tamils worshiped the elephant-headed Ganesha in India. [The author missed out on Indra, the obvious Indian deity most like the Thunder-gods, and a deity mounted on an elephant-DD]
Chak was the long-nosed Mayan God of thunder, lightning, rain, and crops. His elephantine trunk sprayed water on the earth. His equivalent in other parts of the world was Zeus, Dyaus, Jupiter, Ca, Jah, Ju, Jahve, Jehova Jeho, Sakh, Sagg, Sa-ga-ga, Sakko, Zagg, Zax. a.k.a. Zeus, is often depicted holding a serpentine thunderbolt and a grail, or someone is handing it to him. The Mayan Chak is equally depicted.
[There is also good evidence that the Ceylonese people in this instance are related to the South Indians, who had a similar language and similar names: and a longstanding confusion exists whereby Sumatra gets called by the names for Ceylon. In my point of view these things do not count against the theory because I do not require that Ceylon specifically be the origin for the migration, only that it is the center of a cultural area from which the colonists came. That Sumatra is also called by the same nammes as Ceylon merely indicates the route by which ancient peoples travelled. The Romans for example seem to have meant Sumatra where they said Taprobane-DD]
They gave several names that directly and indirectly identified Ceylon: Shilanka (Xilanca) - an ancient name of Ceylon (Zeilan-Ka).
Shikalanka (Xicalanca) - Ceylon. In Tamil, Shikalam.
Itzamna was one of their culture heroes. He claimed to have come from a western country. Isham, meaning 'Tiger, ""Land of Gold," was a Dravidian name of Ceylon. The Na in Isham-na is an honorific.
Ishbalanka (Xbalanca), another culture hero. In Tamil, it means "Shiva of Lanka." India's God Shiva was supposed to have made the footprint on top of Adam's Peak in today's Sri Lanka. {Shiva is DEFINITELY known to have been a God worshipped in the Indus Valley civilisation-and as one of a trinity also-DD]
Shibalba, The Mayan underworld. This word stems From the Sanskrit Shivulba, meaning from the fountainhead of God Shiva-Mt. Meru, in India.
Palenke (Palenque). This name derives from the Tamil Pal-Lanka, meaning "Protectorate of Lanka." Ancient Lanka was India's Atlantis.
[Evidently the name Lanka is a version of the name Atlantis. This is not really so odd as it seems because there are dozens of other locations around the Atlantic Ocean supposedly called after Atlantis, according to Charles Berlitz, including more than one place called Atlan in Mesoamerica-DD]
The Yaxilan (Yakshilan) Mayan ruins. This name means ìThe Ceylon Yakhsî in Sanskrit.
Ceren, a name of Ceylon. Some Mayan ruins in El Salvador are called Ceren.
Lacandon, a tribe of Yucatan. India's god Kubera banished the Laks, a Tartarian Huna or Rakshasha tribe from Northern India to Ceylon, giving the country one of its many names and becoming the Lakan or Lakam people. The Don in Lacan-don derives from Dan (Tannu or Dannu?). (See the online Cologne Sanskrit and Tamil dictionaries for comparison of ancient Ceylon names with those of Mayan tribes and places.)
Ancient Ceylon was divided into three provinces: Maya, the central division of the island; Ruhuna (Soul of Huna Land), and Pihitee, the northernmost of the three. The Ceylonese Maya were known for their impressive astronomical knowledge, architectural marvels, temples, and irrigation ponds. (Reference: The History of Ceylon, by William Knighton, first published in Colombo Ceylon, in 1845.)
One of the names of Ceylon's cult religions was Mayon. It still exists among a few aboriginals living on the island.
Most of the Rakshasa and Pisaca bad boys were Tartarian Hunas, They came from Huna-Bhu, meaning Hunas (Tartars) from the Sacred Land around Mt. Meru. Many of these tribes were cannibalistic, given to intertribal fighting, practitioners of human sacrifice in their religious rites, flattened the foreheads of their babies, took scalps in battle, and observed other customs attributed to many Amerindian tribes. The Mayans remember them as the culture hero, Hunapu (Huna-Bhu?).
Had the natives of Meso-America been able to pronounce the "ST" combination, today's Yucatan would be Yucasthan (Yakhuthan?). Even today, many Mexican Indians and peasants cannot pronounce this combination. For example, instead of CÛmo est·? (How are you?), they can only say, "CÛmo 't·?"
Guatemala derives from Sanskrit Guadhaamala, meaning Guha (Cosmic Intelligence) + Dha (Serpentine) + Amala (Umbilical Cord), the Sacred Umbilical Cord Linking Western Asia and India with Meso-America. Besides the Ceylonese and Tamil tribal names Yakkha, Maya, and Lak in Maya country, there are also the Lenca and Rama tribes. The Mayan lowlands are even called Guanacaste, meaning The Western Enlightened Nagas. It is assumed that the Olmecs spoke Nahuatl because of the place-names they left behind. The Olmecs called the Maya country in Southeastern Veracruz, Coatzacoalcos (Snake Sanctuary). Snake Sanctuary was none other than the home of the Western or American Nagas.
Originally, the Asuras or Nagas were not only a civilized people, but a maritime power,Kadru, the mother of serpents, compelled Garuda (the Eagle or Hawk) to serve her sons by transporting them across the sea to a beautiful land, which was inhabited by Nagas. The Asuras (Nagas) were expert navigators who possessed very considerable naval resources and had founded upon distant coasts. (The Encircled Serpent by M. Oldfield, p. 47.)
Even today, the Mexican flag has an Eagle with a serpent in its mouth, representing the arrival of the ancient Mexicans to Meso-America. It also represents the arrival of the Meshika to what is now Mexico City.
The Tamils and all the tribes of Meso-America, from Mexico to Panama, played the same board game: Pachesi. The Meso-Americans called it by a linguistically similar name: Patolli. (Note: CH and T are linguistically similar. LL was the only way the Renaissance Spaniards could approximate the sounds of Z and J. This proves that Patolli derived from Pachesi.) I myself saw a Patolli board game at the National Museum of Costa Rica, in San Jose.

[Above Left: Mr. Subash Bose displays an ancient Tamil Pachesi board kept as a relic in the temple of his area. The Tamils and all the tribes of Meso-America, from Mexico to Panama, played the same board game: Pachesi. Right
: The Meso-Americans called it by a linguistically similar name: Patolli. (Note: CH and T are linguistically similar. LL was the only way the Renaissance Spaniards could approximate the sounds of Z and J. This proves that Patolli derived from Pachesi.) I myself saw a Patolli board game at the National Museum of Costa Rica, in San Jose.]
The Tamils and Turks even gave some of their favorite dishes to the ancient Mexicans, and with the same names! I will name just two of them: Tamales and Corundas. The ancient Tamils were known as Tamils or Tamals. One of their favorite foods was a type of paste or filling wrapped in bamboo husk. Even in Tamil Nadu it is called Tamal. The Michoacanos have a similar triangular shaped tamal called Corunda. In Turkic it would be kur-unda (Turkic dough).
[There is also an Indian word related to the English word "Soup":in Peru a very similar word is pronounced "Chupay." And many Quechua words can be related to Sanscrit originals including the names llama (lamb), alpaca and guanaco (similar to a Sanscrit word meaning "Gazelle." That will of course form the basis for a separate discussion)-DD]
My Tamil Nadu friend, Mr. Subash Bose, pointed out to me the fact that Hindus often worship cobras and that the Mayans worshipped rattlesnakes. He said that Mayan huts look exactly like those in Tamil Nadu.
The Kuberas even gave their name to North America. The Meso-Americans told the Spaniards that North America was Quivira (Land of the Khyber People).
Most of us have heard of the Mayan holy book, Chilam Balam. Chilan or Chilam is a title of Mayan priests. Balam is the Mayan name for Jaguar. In Sanskrit, Cheilan = Ceylonese and Vyalam = tiger; lion; hunting leopard. Jaguar probably stems from the Sanskrit Higkara, meaning Tiger-like or sounding like a tiger.
....The presence of Dravidian, Turkic, and Sanskrit words in America shouldn't surprise anyone, for the Aryans and Indians (Ramanaka) traveled together throughout the world. In his book, El Origen de los Indios, the Spanish priest, Gregorio Perez, wrote that the Caribbean Indians said that their founding fathers were the Kuru-Rumani.
Some Dravidians think Sanskrit sprang from Dravidian, but my research does not indicate this...[On the other hand, there is a general agreement among scholars that the Dravidians were the people who had created the Indus Valley civilzation and they were at that time in control of nearly all the rest of India-DD]
In this article, I have just presented a tiny part of the evidence in my possession, pointing to the Indian and Ceylonese origins of the Mayans. I have decided to end this article by recounting what the Jesuit priest Francisco Xavier Clavigero wrote in Volume I of his Historia Antigua de Messico (Ancient History of Mexico). Clavigero said that the Chiapaneco Mayans told him that a grandson of Noah, Votan, took people to people America. He was from the Chan (Naga or Serpent) tribe. They said that he came from the East, bringing seven groups with him. Two other leaders (Groups?) had also previously brought in settlers: Igh and Imox. He built a great city, now known as Palenque, call Nauchan, meaning City of the Serpents. When Noah emerged from the Ark, he and his people built their first city, calling it Nashan (The Noachide Chan).
Votan founded three tributary monarchies called Tulan, Mayapan, and Chiquimala. The ruins of Tulan are those of Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. Mayapan is the Yucatan peninsula itself. I have not yet located the region of Chiquimala. Perhaps it is Guatemala or the Mayan province of Tzequil.
Like many Europoids ignorant of India and its history, Clavigero tried to place them in Cartagena, Africa, Rome, and even Spain...Had he been more knowledgeable about ancient India and Ceylon, he would have known that they were Ceylonese, for in Tamil, VALAM POTAM means Place of Boats. Valam Potan (Ceylon) was located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, where the trade winds are. The differences between Valum Votan and Valam Potam are trivial.
Notice the following map showing the sea and land routes of the ancient Tamils. Below it, you'll notice the words Oceanus Indicus (Indian Ocean). The ancient maps which the Spaniards used to get to America showed the same terms: Mar Indica; Oceanus Indica. From where did they obtain those maps showing that the eastern end of Oceanus Indica was America? [A: the name is a Roman name and this map is a map of trade routes in Roman times. The Spanish have a Latin heritage. That one was easy-DD]

[On the other hand this map is a good indication of how far these peoples were KNOWN to have gotten around BEFORE Roman Times, since they were using pre=existing trade routes-DD]
The stone heads staring at the sea, from the shores of Easter Island, tell us a lot about the ancient sailors they're supposed to represent. Notice their [red-topknot]headpieces. Could they be Tamil turbans?
Were the ancient Turks, Akkads (Sumerians) and Dravidians (Tamils) the parents of Mexico and Meso-America?
By Gene D. Matlock
The time is about 1,500 BC.[and onward until approximately 500 BC-DD] A fleet of Tamil ships in some harbor of the Konkan or Kankon, a beautiful white sand coastline stretching from today as Maharasthra to the southern tip of Western India, raises anchor and sails south to what is now the large island nation of Ceylon (today as Sri Lanka). Their goal is to sail to Patala or what is now Mexico and Meso-America, leaving emigrant settlers there. During their stay in Ceylon, they recruit skilled stone workers, skilled craftsmen, and temple builders in the province of Maya, to build a new Tamil civilization over or alongside an Akkad-type (Sumerian) civilization that was already in Meso-America: that of the Olmecs or Olman.

Zikari at Konkan
The ancient Tamils were international traders and colonizers. Wherever they went in the world, they left an unmistakable imprint of their presence, such as place names, foods, games, and temple buildings. Their temple buildings were usually zikharis (tiered or pyramidical temple platforms). Often, small entrances or temples were located on each tier, but not always. On the top tier, there was always a temple. On top if it often stood an ornate rectangular steeple. However, circular domes or single spires often stood on top of the temple as well. Zikharis usually varied in appearance, according to the Dravidian or Tamil-derived cultures of the host nations. But one thing never changed: the unmistakable presence of Tamil influence.
[So far so good, as far as what is stated plainly. The problem comes in the next section with national and ethnic identities which I shall pass over for the reasons I have indicated-DD]
I am now ready to return to the hypothetical voyage of Tamils to America. They probably used two types of maps. The map below-left shows Mt. Meru with petals pointing in four directions. The left petal points toward a distant land called Ketumal or Chetumal. In order to reach that land, they had to go eastward in order to avoid sailing around the tip of Africa. They knew where they were going, for they had been there before! The map below-right was their own map of the world.

The Mayans said that the land of their forefathers lay 150 days westward.[?]
When the Tamils arrived in North America, they crossed over to what is now the Caribbean Sea, through the Isthmus of Panama (The Great Crossing). After coming out the other side, they docked in the safe harbor of Chetumal. It still bears the same name. Chetumal harbor is in Belize. Belize derives from Belisha (God Shiva).
Later, they left Chetumal, sailing up the coast to a place reminding them of the beauty of their old home in Konkan. They dropped anchor and made their first home in America there. Not surprisingly, they decided to name their new home Kankun (Cancun). After thousands of years, the last syllable has barely changed in pronunciation.
When the Tamils settled in Yucatan, they built their typical zikharis, such as those of Tikal and Palenque. At Tikal, they stained their stone monuments a reddish color, just as they had done back in the Konkan.
People are surprised to see stone images of elephants in Mayan country, such as the following one in Copan. It may be a reminder of the elephants in India.
Right: Stone engraving [Stela-DD] of a Hindu mahout, complete with turban, riding on the head of an elephant. Some authorities, who do not agree with me that the Mayans came from abroad, think Southern Mexico once had elephants. The truth is that they worshiped a long-nosed god (Chac) or elephant, just as the Hindu Tamils worshiped the elephant-headed Ganesha in India. [The author missed out on Indra, the obvious Indian deity most like the Thunder-gods, and a deity mounted on an elephant-DD]
Chak was the long-nosed Mayan God of thunder, lightning, rain, and crops. His elephantine trunk sprayed water on the earth. His equivalent in other parts of the world was Zeus, Dyaus, Jupiter, Ca, Jah, Ju, Jahve, Jehova Jeho, Sakh, Sagg, Sa-ga-ga, Sakko, Zagg, Zax. a.k.a. Zeus, is often depicted holding a serpentine thunderbolt and a grail, or someone is handing it to him. The Mayan Chak is equally depicted.
[There is also good evidence that the Ceylonese people in this instance are related to the South Indians, who had a similar language and similar names: and a longstanding confusion exists whereby Sumatra gets called by the names for Ceylon. In my point of view these things do not count against the theory because I do not require that Ceylon specifically be the origin for the migration, only that it is the center of a cultural area from which the colonists came. That Sumatra is also called by the same nammes as Ceylon merely indicates the route by which ancient peoples travelled. The Romans for example seem to have meant Sumatra where they said Taprobane-DD]
They gave several names that directly and indirectly identified Ceylon: Shilanka (Xilanca) - an ancient name of Ceylon (Zeilan-Ka).
Shikalanka (Xicalanca) - Ceylon. In Tamil, Shikalam.
Itzamna was one of their culture heroes. He claimed to have come from a western country. Isham, meaning 'Tiger, ""Land of Gold," was a Dravidian name of Ceylon. The Na in Isham-na is an honorific.
Ishbalanka (Xbalanca), another culture hero. In Tamil, it means "Shiva of Lanka." India's God Shiva was supposed to have made the footprint on top of Adam's Peak in today's Sri Lanka. {Shiva is DEFINITELY known to have been a God worshipped in the Indus Valley civilisation-and as one of a trinity also-DD]
Shibalba, The Mayan underworld. This word stems From the Sanskrit Shivulba, meaning from the fountainhead of God Shiva-Mt. Meru, in India.
Palenke (Palenque). This name derives from the Tamil Pal-Lanka, meaning "Protectorate of Lanka." Ancient Lanka was India's Atlantis.
[Evidently the name Lanka is a version of the name Atlantis. This is not really so odd as it seems because there are dozens of other locations around the Atlantic Ocean supposedly called after Atlantis, according to Charles Berlitz, including more than one place called Atlan in Mesoamerica-DD]
The Yaxilan (Yakshilan) Mayan ruins. This name means ìThe Ceylon Yakhsî in Sanskrit.
Ceren, a name of Ceylon. Some Mayan ruins in El Salvador are called Ceren.
Lacandon, a tribe of Yucatan. India's god Kubera banished the Laks, a Tartarian Huna or Rakshasha tribe from Northern India to Ceylon, giving the country one of its many names and becoming the Lakan or Lakam people. The Don in Lacan-don derives from Dan (Tannu or Dannu?). (See the online Cologne Sanskrit and Tamil dictionaries for comparison of ancient Ceylon names with those of Mayan tribes and places.)
Ancient Ceylon was divided into three provinces: Maya, the central division of the island; Ruhuna (Soul of Huna Land), and Pihitee, the northernmost of the three. The Ceylonese Maya were known for their impressive astronomical knowledge, architectural marvels, temples, and irrigation ponds. (Reference: The History of Ceylon, by William Knighton, first published in Colombo Ceylon, in 1845.)
One of the names of Ceylon's cult religions was Mayon. It still exists among a few aboriginals living on the island.
Most of the Rakshasa and Pisaca bad boys were Tartarian Hunas, They came from Huna-Bhu, meaning Hunas (Tartars) from the Sacred Land around Mt. Meru. Many of these tribes were cannibalistic, given to intertribal fighting, practitioners of human sacrifice in their religious rites, flattened the foreheads of their babies, took scalps in battle, and observed other customs attributed to many Amerindian tribes. The Mayans remember them as the culture hero, Hunapu (Huna-Bhu?).
Had the natives of Meso-America been able to pronounce the "ST" combination, today's Yucatan would be Yucasthan (Yakhuthan?). Even today, many Mexican Indians and peasants cannot pronounce this combination. For example, instead of CÛmo est·? (How are you?), they can only say, "CÛmo 't·?"
Guatemala derives from Sanskrit Guadhaamala, meaning Guha (Cosmic Intelligence) + Dha (Serpentine) + Amala (Umbilical Cord), the Sacred Umbilical Cord Linking Western Asia and India with Meso-America. Besides the Ceylonese and Tamil tribal names Yakkha, Maya, and Lak in Maya country, there are also the Lenca and Rama tribes. The Mayan lowlands are even called Guanacaste, meaning The Western Enlightened Nagas. It is assumed that the Olmecs spoke Nahuatl because of the place-names they left behind. The Olmecs called the Maya country in Southeastern Veracruz, Coatzacoalcos (Snake Sanctuary). Snake Sanctuary was none other than the home of the Western or American Nagas.
Originally, the Asuras or Nagas were not only a civilized people, but a maritime power,Kadru, the mother of serpents, compelled Garuda (the Eagle or Hawk) to serve her sons by transporting them across the sea to a beautiful land, which was inhabited by Nagas. The Asuras (Nagas) were expert navigators who possessed very considerable naval resources and had founded upon distant coasts. (The Encircled Serpent by M. Oldfield, p. 47.)
Even today, the Mexican flag has an Eagle with a serpent in its mouth, representing the arrival of the ancient Mexicans to Meso-America. It also represents the arrival of the Meshika to what is now Mexico City.
The Tamils and all the tribes of Meso-America, from Mexico to Panama, played the same board game: Pachesi. The Meso-Americans called it by a linguistically similar name: Patolli. (Note: CH and T are linguistically similar. LL was the only way the Renaissance Spaniards could approximate the sounds of Z and J. This proves that Patolli derived from Pachesi.) I myself saw a Patolli board game at the National Museum of Costa Rica, in San Jose.

[Above Left: Mr. Subash Bose displays an ancient Tamil Pachesi board kept as a relic in the temple of his area. The Tamils and all the tribes of Meso-America, from Mexico to Panama, played the same board game: Pachesi. Right
: The Meso-Americans called it by a linguistically similar name: Patolli. (Note: CH and T are linguistically similar. LL was the only way the Renaissance Spaniards could approximate the sounds of Z and J. This proves that Patolli derived from Pachesi.) I myself saw a Patolli board game at the National Museum of Costa Rica, in San Jose.]
The Tamils and Turks even gave some of their favorite dishes to the ancient Mexicans, and with the same names! I will name just two of them: Tamales and Corundas. The ancient Tamils were known as Tamils or Tamals. One of their favorite foods was a type of paste or filling wrapped in bamboo husk. Even in Tamil Nadu it is called Tamal. The Michoacanos have a similar triangular shaped tamal called Corunda. In Turkic it would be kur-unda (Turkic dough).
[There is also an Indian word related to the English word "Soup":in Peru a very similar word is pronounced "Chupay." And many Quechua words can be related to Sanscrit originals including the names llama (lamb), alpaca and guanaco (similar to a Sanscrit word meaning "Gazelle." That will of course form the basis for a separate discussion)-DD]
My Tamil Nadu friend, Mr. Subash Bose, pointed out to me the fact that Hindus often worship cobras and that the Mayans worshipped rattlesnakes. He said that Mayan huts look exactly like those in Tamil Nadu.
The Kuberas even gave their name to North America. The Meso-Americans told the Spaniards that North America was Quivira (Land of the Khyber People).
Most of us have heard of the Mayan holy book, Chilam Balam. Chilan or Chilam is a title of Mayan priests. Balam is the Mayan name for Jaguar. In Sanskrit, Cheilan = Ceylonese and Vyalam = tiger; lion; hunting leopard. Jaguar probably stems from the Sanskrit Higkara, meaning Tiger-like or sounding like a tiger.
....The presence of Dravidian, Turkic, and Sanskrit words in America shouldn't surprise anyone, for the Aryans and Indians (Ramanaka) traveled together throughout the world. In his book, El Origen de los Indios, the Spanish priest, Gregorio Perez, wrote that the Caribbean Indians said that their founding fathers were the Kuru-Rumani.
Some Dravidians think Sanskrit sprang from Dravidian, but my research does not indicate this...[On the other hand, there is a general agreement among scholars that the Dravidians were the people who had created the Indus Valley civilzation and they were at that time in control of nearly all the rest of India-DD]
In this article, I have just presented a tiny part of the evidence in my possession, pointing to the Indian and Ceylonese origins of the Mayans. I have decided to end this article by recounting what the Jesuit priest Francisco Xavier Clavigero wrote in Volume I of his Historia Antigua de Messico (Ancient History of Mexico). Clavigero said that the Chiapaneco Mayans told him that a grandson of Noah, Votan, took people to people America. He was from the Chan (Naga or Serpent) tribe. They said that he came from the East, bringing seven groups with him. Two other leaders (Groups?) had also previously brought in settlers: Igh and Imox. He built a great city, now known as Palenque, call Nauchan, meaning City of the Serpents. When Noah emerged from the Ark, he and his people built their first city, calling it Nashan (The Noachide Chan).
Votan founded three tributary monarchies called Tulan, Mayapan, and Chiquimala. The ruins of Tulan are those of Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. Mayapan is the Yucatan peninsula itself. I have not yet located the region of Chiquimala. Perhaps it is Guatemala or the Mayan province of Tzequil.
Like many Europoids ignorant of India and its history, Clavigero tried to place them in Cartagena, Africa, Rome, and even Spain...Had he been more knowledgeable about ancient India and Ceylon, he would have known that they were Ceylonese, for in Tamil, VALAM POTAM means Place of Boats. Valam Potan (Ceylon) was located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, where the trade winds are. The differences between Valum Votan and Valam Potam are trivial.
Notice the following map showing the sea and land routes of the ancient Tamils. Below it, you'll notice the words Oceanus Indicus (Indian Ocean). The ancient maps which the Spaniards used to get to America showed the same terms: Mar Indica; Oceanus Indica. From where did they obtain those maps showing that the eastern end of Oceanus Indica was America? [A: the name is a Roman name and this map is a map of trade routes in Roman times. The Spanish have a Latin heritage. That one was easy-DD]

[On the other hand this map is a good indication of how far these peoples were KNOWN to have gotten around BEFORE Roman Times, since they were using pre=existing trade routes-DD]
The stone heads staring at the sea, from the shores of Easter Island, tell us a lot about the ancient sailors they're supposed to represent. Notice their [red-topknot]headpieces. Could they be Tamil turbans?

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